Draft Minutes

  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To consider and make recommendations on the following planning application:

DM/2022/00212 Redevelopment of the existing King Henry VIII Secondary School Site, including construction of Abergavenny 3-19 School (Class D1) incorporating flying-start, nursery, lower school, upper school and 6th form educational provision; provision of open space including hard and soft informal social and play areas, multi-use games area, forest school areas, and sports pitch provision including grass / all weather pitches; provision of plant building, highways, access, car parking, landscaping, green infrastructure, and drainage works; demolition of existing school buildings/structures; and all associated works.  King Henry Viii Comprehensive School, Old Hereford Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 6EP.